My Student Years: Adel Nadeev


Director of Institute of Radio Electronics, Photonics and Digital Technologies shares his student life memories

Adel Nadeev is the graduate of the Radio Engineering Faculty of KAI (nowadays – Institute of Radio Electronics, Photonics and Digital Technologies), which he currently leads.

“The most vivid memories of my student life are associated with festivals and trips to construction crews. I entered the Radio Engineering Faculty of KAI in 1981 and after the first year of studies, I joined the student construction brigade.

I travelled to the Kuibyshev region, where our brigade was involved in the construction of cyclopean reclamation structures, including extensive pipelines, canals, and massive water storage tanks. We carried out ongoing concrete works on one of these tanks, and lived in a camp of construction trailers.

One morning, just waking up, we were surprised to see a very aggressive bull in the middle of our camp. Everyone got scared and hid in the trailers, but sooner some people became brave enough to look out at the camp side and even tease the bull, which eventually turned into corrida.

Luckily, everything ended well - the drivers working with us came to our rescue and drove off an angry bull with a dump truck!” – shared his memories Adel Nadeev.

“This, of course, is just one of the funny stories of my youth. In terms of advice for the younger generation I would like to wish: save your time, invest in yourself, build a family, career and future in which it is interesting and comfortable to live! – he added.
